Friday, July 17, 2015

Current ish of the day

Wassup people, the View is back and better. I took a quick break to gather info and release what will be a consistent stream of life issues that are taking the world by storm. I'd like to thank my good followers and hop you continue to stay with me till whenever LOL.

Before I go into today's issue. I'd just like to change a few things. "The female mind" my former blog was dissolved weeks ago, but my content lives on. topics from there are still available and new topics will be posted in due time. I know that this might not be as flashy or consistent as Linda Ikeji(famous blogger) or any other, but trust me with my content and very common topics, it's worth looking at.

Now enough of all that, let's go into the crux of this blog. From my previous blog (caitlyn or bruce jenner), I decided to bring another issue similar to this. Recently, the United States has approved same sex marriage across all 50 states. This has sparked mixed emotions across the worlds; the LGBT community is very please, but other communities (especially the christian community) has been evry displeased with this. Now we definitely know why, because being gay is seriously frowned upon in the christian world. The story of sodom and Gomorrah says it all. But i'm not delving into that area.
What I want to mention is how this rule has affected the christian community.

Since this law was put into place, a lot of pastors have been arrested because they refused to marry gay couples. Why should that now be a crime when the basic principles of Christianity are based on the bible(which clearly frowns on it)? It's still a baffling issue.

I therefore leave y'all with this question . Don't you think the Gay culture is slowly affecting the christian community?

Ciao, till next time.

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