Thursday, October 1, 2015

An Indepth take on long distance

Alright guys, I hope my viewers in Nigeria had a fun day since it was a public holiday. To my viewers anywhere else,  how was school? LOL.

After that brief blog on Nigeria, I  decided to go in depth into the issue of long distance relationships. It may seem I made long distance relationships look  easy to maintain, but in reality it is the hardest type.
We automatically feel that long distance relationships will be the most faithful, trustworthy and abiding(probably the couple made that vow). But this is a common misconception that has been painted in our minds for many years. There will definitely be trials and tribulations along the way, it happens in every relationship. But the difference between it happening in a long distance or close distance relationship is very distinct.

A couple who has successfully gone through a period of long distance would be able to show two main traits;

1. Ability to forgive irregardless of the offence
2. Ability to appreciate times together and times apart

  These aforementioned points are definitely traits needed to maintain  a serious relationship that could eventually end up in marriage.

I know marriage is not what you guys would be thinking of at the moment, but I know apart from the obvious Casanovas, everyone always longs for that serious relationship. Not just some fling.

However, love is the prevailing factor in all relationships, regardless of it being long distance or close distance. Love is the bond that keeps two people together. If you are 3000 miles or 2 miles apart, that bond should still be present.

So I implore my viewers, when ever you are faced with an option of long distance, don't just disregard it. Evaluate it, see if the love connection is strong. This could be a way to determine if you guys are truly right for each other.

PS: Next blog, I will be bringing up another issue that is plaguing teen life. It's called "How do you know you are giving out friend-zone signals?"

Be sure to log in for that soon. CIAO

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