Wednesday, February 18, 2015

First Impressions

First of all, I would like to celebrate with all of who passed through valentine's day successful . Most of y’all were happy while i was conversing with you, meaning your relationships are still intact. Lol . Now that the climax of the whole month is over, it’s time to return back to the outlines of my blog as aforementioned in blog #1.

For many years, we have come to understand that first impressions in every encounter are the basis of whether to continue with a relationship or categorize it as an “epic fail” . Now, I am here to strongly dispute that fact. Though, first impressions might count, they should never be a basis of any encounter , as our impressions of a person will always change.

Why do you think a lot of bad relationships happen in this millennium? It’s because a lot of people show false promising first impressions on the first day, and yet turn out to be something else in subsequent encounters. That is why players can never be caught, because every time they meet a new person, they look as if they are boyfriend/girlfriend material and you just blindly fall in. And in the end, you’re the only person that gets hurt. In reciprocate form, if someone was to have a bad first impression on you, then you would think that’s how the person is, and thus try to evade the person. But sadly, even for more generations to come, we will still be  susceptible to the first impressions.

I’m not saying that we have psychic abilities that would enable us to determine whether a person is good or not, I’m saying that asides first impressions, we can continue to have different impressions on someone as subsequent encounters are made. Therefore, we get to truly know a person only when we exhaustively understood everything about them.

Thus, I implore all my readers to not analyze someone on the first impression. A lot of things could have happened to that person before the encounter, so you have no moral justification to diss the person. Rather try to establish more encounters and understand their behaviors, moods, dressing attitude, etc. It is only at this time when you would be able to understand whether this is the kind of person you want to go on dates with, share info with, etc. This can also be the time when you truly know if someone on the first impression seems loving and kind, and in subsequent encounters, has shown his/her true colors. After all, all what glitters is not gold.

First impressions are always there, try not to think on them.


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