Friday, February 13, 2015

What's the True Essence of February 14th?

Once again, a big thank you to all my readers who continue to follow my blog. You are basically the reason I get up in the morning and write.

 As I have mentioned in the previous blog, this is the love month and tomorrow is going to be the climax of this month, The St. Valentines Day. This day is supposedly a day where couples express their true love for each other; giving cards, chocolates, romantic getaways, dinners etc. It’s the time when the females get so elevated and the males, usually depressed as they would have to spend substantial amounts of cash to treat their ladies right, LOL. Frankly, i feel that this day will never show true love, not in a million years. 

Love can't be displayed in a day, a lot of things cloud our judgement on this day and thus we fail to understand the true meaning of love, instead we cling unto the "what i can get?" phrase . Let me ask you this, why should valentine’s day be the day we take our girlfriends and spouses out? Why is valentine’s day the day we send them cards and chocolates telling them how much we love them? Can’t all this be done on other days? Ponder on that.

We could as much as take our girlfriends and spouses out every week , send them cards and chocolates every day and take them on romantic getaways anytime in the year. Why does it have to be this day? 

A few days ago, I was discussing with my colleague and i raised up these same questions aforementioned. She said people mostly use the day to make up for what they couldn't do with their spouses through the year. My response was a light chuckle which brought about a sense of utter amusement. To the females, do you think that your man can make up for not telling you he loves  you? for not taking out once in a while? for not sending you gifts , in one day? I think the answer has been inferred. 

Although i wish everyone has a good valentine’s day, ( since the election is not till next month, lol) I don't us to make it a big deal. Let’s view everyday as a day to celebrate a couple’s love . Let’s not hold the day and expect things and in the end be disappointed . Let’s hold the whole year in expectation and re evaluate your love at the end of the year. Not 45 days in the year when there are still 320 days of love showing. For those who will go out, have fun. For those who don’t, still have fun. Even for those who don't have partners, treat valentine’s day as any other day in the year to show love. 


PS: Thanks to my insightful partner. Hours ago i was clueless on what to write, But she helped me immensely and thus I appreciate her.