Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Friendship before relationships.

Usually, I do not release two blogs on the same day. But the spur of information I'm currently processing is just too much to keep in.

Now, from the title you'd basically have a general idea of what i'm going to write. But i'm also a bit sure that elaboration is needed.
In today's world, we have completely eliminated the friendship aspects of relationships. What I mean is that, we just jump from meeting someone to dating the person. We do not pass through the long stage of friendship. Practically, the friendship aspect is a lot of time and people feel that so many things could go wrong and things could be misinterpreted if the intentions to date are not clearly put out. But i'm here to say that the friendship aspect does matter. It helps to build a strong foundation for serious relationships to thrive through any circumstance.
As we all know, being friends means secrets and important things in our lives are being shared, the friendship becomes a sort of "confidant relationship" where each person confides in the other. So, transiting to dating from friendship would be as seamless as possible. There would be more trust and definitely, the love would be as strong as ever.

"Friendships before relationships" is a great approach to reach the ultimate goal.


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