Wednesday, April 8, 2015

The Persistence ones

Alright guys, let me first of all start by welcoming y'all into a new month. Though it's 8 days over due, I just have to continue to reiterate on the fact that the year is speeding past us. Today's blog, though obviously targeted to females, males can derive a thing or two from this.

Nowadays, I have seen that a lot of our female counterparts are set to a default mode called "deny". If you read my previous blog, you would find out that due to circumstantial things, females have no other choice than to guard their hearts and "brutally" scrutinize men. Normally, this would throw us males off and we would look for an easier catch. But in this face of adversity, there are still some determined guys who are willing to go through any length to get a girl. I call these people "The persistent ones."

Before I digress into this topic, I would like to shed a little light on the word persistence. Persistence means to be firm or have an obstinate continuance in a course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition. This clearly hits the nail on the head because it outlines every single thing that is attributed to the persistent ones. I feel this is a very good characteristic for every guy, but the baffling thing is that females can misinterpret persistence for creepiness. Though there is a very fine line between being persistent or being creepy, I want the ladies out there to know to that most of the persistent guys they encounter are truly persistent and not creepy.

Just to be sure, how would you be able to differentiate between these two characteristics? It's simple! Understanding their movement. Truly persistent males would not do anything to hurt the female in question nor anyone in order to get to her . Creepy guys on the other hand would want to go to any lengths to get someone even if it includes hurting someone. 

Frankly, I implore my readers (especially the females) to stay clear of these creepy guys. And as for the persistent ones, give it a good go and see what happens. Circumstances show that a persistent guy will not hurt you before and during the relationship. 

Ultimately, it is basically your discretion.


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